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How To Earn Money From Mobile Apps

Suppose you're looking to profit from mobile apps through a set of apps you download to your phone - as many different sources claim - to get dollars, as I told you earlier quickly. You're in the wrong place.

You can leave the article now and come back to finish your research. Why continue reading? Are you curious about the natural ways to make money from mobile apps?

Or maybe you are considering creating an app and making money from it and wondering about the feasibility of this way of earning cash... if so, you can read the following lines, in which you will find what you can't find in others.

In this article, you will discover the ways to take advantage of various phone applications and the best ways to get these applications, even without being a programmer or understanding anything about phone application programming.

But before I start talking to you, there's a lump in my throat that I want to get out first, especially if you're one of the curious people who insisted on reading the article.

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You may have heard or watched those videos on the internet that talk about making money from mobile apps, which may be why you are reading this now.

Why earning from mobile apps is a unique way.

If you're asking this question to ensure that earning from mobile apps is a proven method that can generate a good income if you make the required effort, I think the answer will surprise you.

According to Statista's global statistics, the mobile app revenue in 2015 was $69.7 billion worldwide, which is expected to reach $188.9 billion by 2022.

Best ways to profit from mobile apps

To profit from mobile apps often depends on placing your app on the most well-known international platforms (such as Google Play and Itunes) and then promoting it a bit so that you get as many downloads as possible.

As you know, there are two platforms or two types of phone apps, apps for the Android operating system that Google supports and the IOS operating system supported by Apple.

1- Taking advantage of advertising - How to earn from ads in android app

This is the most common way many people know to earn mobile applications, not to mention the advertising breaks and images that come to you while playing any game on the phone. This is one of the images of advertising.

Ads are a safe and effective way to enjoy any application or game. You do nothing but allow the ad network to place its ads on your application.

Perhaps the biggest drawback to this method is that you need a decent number of downloads for your app to get a decent amount of advertising.

The most crucial reliable ad networks you can contract with are (AdMob - which is similar to the AdSense platform for sites), also owned by Google.

Apple used to have a similar platform (iAds), but it stopped working, but you can use the Google Admob platform to profit from IOS apps via advertising, of course, unlike Android apps.

2- Paid applications

You've probably often come across paid apps when you're in your phone's App Store, or maybe you already have a paid app.

This is the second way to profit from mobile app development. For any user to get your app, they have to make a payment.

This method is very profitable, but it requires that your application be distinctive and different from the available applications so users agree to buy it.

3- Add paid features (Features)

This is the most effective way to earn in the world of mobile applications. You put in some features (different colours - additional properties - remove ads) for a certain amount of money.

This method is well suited for design, photography, task management or even game applications, especially if the application is good and offers a real benefit.

This is how experts in this field advise because it is easy to promote these additional features, especially after users have tried the application with its free image.

4- Get traffic

This method is best suited for website owners of different types and domains, businesses and service providers who do not want to get traffic.

There are many ways to make money from websites (affiliate marketing - advertising - providing services - selling products), and they all depend on getting traffic, and this is the role of phone apps that facilitate this.

That's why you see that most of the big sites have applications for their locations, thanks to which it is easy to browse the content of the areas directly from the phone and at speed higher than an ordinary browser.

This makes communicating with the app users very easy, and alerts can be sent on the latest articles or offer so that the users browse them, and thus the profits increase.

That's why if you own a site, try to take advantage of this method, and for the same reason, God willing, the winners' site will soon launch the winners' app...wait for us soon.

5- Subscription

By the same logic as the previous method, you can make some of the app's content available only after a paid subscription. This is what university apps, some newspapers and popular content sites do.

This method will work well for you if you have a user or subscriber base interested in what you are offering.

How to get an application to make money - How to make app for android and earn money

1- Buy a ready-made application

You can buy ready-made apps and games that are already making profits so that you can benefit from them. Many platforms allow you to do this, such as the Flippa platform that I mentioned earlier.

This method may not be the best way to get applications, especially for beginners, as you will need capital and some experience to choose the best opportunities.

2- Cooperation with a professional programmer

This is how I would advise everyone with some capital and a clear idea, which is to look for a professional mobile app developer on one of the freelance platforms.

Then, you share with him the idea you have, and he will take care of everything for you, and you can also ask him what you want from specific features and designs of the app or game you want.

There are many independent platforms, perhaps the most famous of which is the giant platform Upwork, where you can find various professionals worldwide.

3- Build an application without programming

Many platforms allow you to build many apps and games for your phone, and even browser apps and computer operating systems without the need to write a single line of code.

These platforms provide you with ready-made templates for you to modify, or you can start from scratch and choose the designs you want, the features and tasks that fit your purpose of the application.

They also provide you with all the information you need, explain everything steps by step and offer a full support service to follow you and answer any questions you may have.

Moreover, most of these platforms have very low prices, and the most famous and best of these platforms are:

    Platform: Andromo

    Platform: Appypie

Browse these platforms yourself. Most of them have a free trial period, which makes it easier for you to choose according to your goals.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below, and be sure to follow the winners constantly, so you don't miss any news we post.

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